Miss me?

If you’ve noticed a break in my usual posting schedule (I usually aim for two posts a week, but I’ve been struggling lately with keeping up with that schedule because of a bunch of other things I’m involved with), its because I have a workshop coming up that I’m preparing to teach. So, don’t worry — this blog isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

In addition, someone actually asked for my opinion on something in the comments recently, so I’m excited to answer that soon.

In the meantime, check out this recent article from one of my favorite personal finance sites, Bankrate — Last minute weddings for less. Good advice in there, some of which I can personally attest to. 🙂

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About Darleene Powells

Darleene Powells was in her teens when she began decorating weddings with her mother, the late Aida Barrientos. Darleene developed her own style of draping tables and other elements for weddings using fabrics like organza, English netting and chiffon. She now works as an online journalist at cbsla.com as an online news producer. She also blogs at darleeneisms.la and Hack Mom.

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